Marriage Mentorship

YOU can go from
marriage breakdown
​to breakthrough
​in 10 weeks or less.

Apply here for your free
​30 minute consultation

Has your “Marriage Made in Heaven” turned into “Hell on Earth?”

There was a time when you couldn’t wait to spend every waking moment with each other. 

Now you can’t wait to get away from each other, because you fight like cats and dogs whenever you are together.

You are afraid to open your mouth and say something, because that could start World War III.  You have ended up becoming “silent partners” in your marriage.

Remember when you used to compliment each other about everything—good looks, fine clothes, cooked meals, fragrances, new hairstyles, messed up hair…anything at all?

Now you find fault with each other for no reason at all. It seems like you can’t do anything right in the other person’s eyes. It’s freaking awful! 

You do not have to keep on sliding into the pit of a hellish marriage.

James and Jane (not their real names) were successful business owners who found themselves in a similar predicament 28 years into their marriage. They told us they were like “two porcupines living together.” They would get angry and shove everything under the rug. Nothing was dealt with.

Yet, 10 short weeks later, they reported: “We are now communicating with each other. We are spending more quality time with each other. We are not going to bed angry.”

This could be your story as well… 

Is your sex life downright pitiful, bordering on the unfaithful?

There was a time when you could hardly wait to have sex before you were married. Now you’re married and hardly have sex anymore.

You treat each other like you’re both infected with the Coronavirus. You’ve gone from “hands on” to “hands free.” 

Or you may still be having sex, but there is no passion. It’s all so mechanical. You’re not making love. You’re simply going through the motions. 
Since you’re not “getting enough” at home, you may be seeking refuge in pornography.

Or you’re finding yourself being drawn to someone else. They give you so much attention, they’re such a good listener.

You’re just talking right now…or have you crossed the line and committed adultery? 

You can have a mutually fulfilling sexual relationship…again!

A professional couple–let’s call them Paul & Paula—had reached that point in their sex life after just 4 years of marriage. They had become “roommates” who shared a bed, split the bills and focused on their separate careers. In that process, she developed an inappropriate relationship with a co-worker and committed “emotional adultery” against her husband

“Todd” and “Tina”, another professional couple who had been married for 10 years, hit a crisis when she caught him red-handed. She immediately packed her children and left the house. Although she came back after some persuasion, they were driven to the point of ending their marriage, as their attempts to make things work through counseling did not produce the results they wanted. She had no desire whatsoever to give herself sexually to him anymore.

Yet today, both couples are happily married. Paul & Paula have a child together. Clearly they are no longer simply roommates, hello?

Todd and Tina have experienced healing from that devastating hurt and are building their future together along with their two children.

​This could be your experience as well…


If you have children….
There was a time when you and your children together were one happy family unit…but now your kids are feeling the effects of the breakdown in your marriage.

They’ve seen some of their friends go through this…and they’re thinking: “Are we going to go through all that nasty stuff too? Will we have to take sides and choose between Mom and Dad? What if they get remarried? Are we going to get ignored, shunned or mistreated?”
It’s affecting their grades. They’re misbehaving more and more. You can tell that they’re feeling insecure about how long you’ll stay married. They’re not respecting you anymore. Maybe they’ve even asked out aloud: “Are you getting divorced?” 


You’re tempted to say “Yes” to Divorce, even though…
You swore you would never get divorced like your parents/siblings/friends did…yet, it feels like you may have no choice but to go that route.

However, now you’re thinking that maybe you made a mistake when you got married to each other.

You’re wondering whether it would be a lot easier to just get out of this mess and start all over again with another person who will treat you better.


Divorce may look like an attractive option…but 

Have you considered the heavy price tag attached to a divorce?
The financial cost of a divorce varies from country to country, state to state and province to province—from a few hundred dollars to tens of thousands and even 100,000+ depending on whether it is uncontested, contested, amicable, mediated, acrimonious, adversarial…involves property settlements, spousal support, child support, etc. 

Are you prepared to pay the price–not just at the point of divorce, but for years, decades and generations to come?

Marketing consultant Perry Marshall says that when he asks financial planners what’s the best thing you can do to have a comfy retirement, they say: 

“Don’t get divorced.” 

He writes:
“I know dozens of guys who are working their middle-aged butts off to meet alimony payments. Living in tacky bachelor apartments they’re ashamed to show anyone. 

Divorce is one of the most expensive and painful events in anyone’s life. Pushes the needle even harder into the red. 

I don’t want to sound preachy, but if you have relationship problemsit’s w-a-a-a-a-a-a-y cheaper to get help and fix the relationship, than to let it dissolve. 

Relationships are a lot easier to get into than out of. And they’re cheaper to fix than destroy. 


If your business is so stressful it’s wrecking your marriage, guess what? Your marriage is going to get so stressful (and expensive) that it will wreck your business. 

Take the time (and money) you need to fix your relationship.” 


Don’t discount the Emotional Cost…

Have you stopped to consider the emotional toll a marriage breakup takes on you, your spouse, your children and extended family?

​You can easily get into adversarial mode.
You could be forcing your children to take sides.

​You could be riddled with guilt for the rest of your life, because divorce is not part of your belief system.

Do you really want to go through this hell?

Do you honestly want to put your family through it?

Do you want to do something that you could end up regretting for the rest of your life?

Of course, not! Maybe you’ve already taken some steps to address it…


But your sincere attempts to “fix” your marriage haven’t worked.

You’ve sought help from leaders in your faith community.

You’ve spent hundreds, even thousands, in counselling/therapy.

You’ve attended workshops, seminars and marriage conferences, read books, bought online courses and DVD’s.

You’ve applied whatever you gained from these attempts and seen some results. For a short time…

And, you’re still nowhere close to a breakthrough. 

You’re at your wits’ end.

What if you could turn it around like these couples who did it through our Marriage Mentorship process?

 (Because we guarantee total confidentiality, we are unable to include their names or any other potentially identifying information)

We are closer to each other intimately…before we came, we were not intimate at all, not even holding hands.”
“Today, we are closer as a couple than we have ever been! Our relationship and intimacy has gone to a way deeper level…We are forever grateful for a new lease on life for our marriage!” 

“Thank you for what you have done for our family, no words can thank you enough.”
“Frankly, I didn’t think they could turn my marriage around…I praise God that I was wrong!!”
“The money back guarantee was a big motivator. We couldn’t believe that someone in this line of work would make that kind of claim. Not even secular counselors over a year would claim that they could “heal” our marriage.”






We are Marriage Mentors Jeeva & Sulojana Sam.

With 37 years of marriage experience and
35+ years of pastoral expertise,
we mentor couples like you…

             in 10 weeks or less.


​How is that possible?

We help you realize that you are not a couple with marriage problems. You are two individuals with your own personal problems coupled in a marriage together.

So, attacking marriage problems is not the solution. Addressing the roots of the personal problems each of you brought into the marriage is the key.
Especially the spiritual roots that are sabotaging your attempts to fix your marriage
through sheer will-power, affirmations, discipline and conventional means of therapy
and counselling.

Through a combination of weekly sessions, daily accountability, 24/7 access to us, personal, specialized in-depth spiritual healing sessions and replacing old unsuccessful patterns with new proven patterns…

You too could achieve the kind of results these couples did.

Results Guaranteed. Or your money back.

Follow our prescription precisely, apply our instructions diligently in a timely fashion,   maintain daily accountability consistently…and you will get results…or you get your money back.

Absolute Confidentiality Fully Guaranteed. 

You don’t have to worry about getting burned like you did before…when the confidentiality you were promised was compromised by those you trusted.
We value your privacy.
​We provide a safe environment where the trust you place in us is honoured. 100%.

The choice is yours…The risk is ours. 

Today you have a choice. You can do nothing about your marriage right now and pay the price. Forever.
Or you can invest in getting your marriage back on track like other couples have and save yourself the financial headache, the emotional heartache and the relational train wreck that you’re setting yourself up for. Forever.

If you’re desperate for a breakthrough in your marriage…and
You are determined to do whatever it takes…
Fill out this online application now.

We will consider your responses and contact you for a Free 30 minute Consultation to determine whether you qualify for one of the very limited spots available right now. We will also provide you with full details of our Money-back Guarantee at that time.

No matter how hellish it may be right now…

​You can turn things around and enjoy a “made in heaven” marriage here on earth. 

Have any questions? We’d love to hear from you!